The Border Collie & Working Sheepdog Fitting Database UK will accept new submissions from owners worldwide.
By submitting this form to the BC & WSD Fitting Database, you confirm that you are the dog’s owner*, the information provided is factual and correct at the time of issue and agree for the details of your dog to be posted on a public website. *If you are NOT the owner but had originally submitted information to a previous database, please use the "Pre-Existing Data Form" to enable us to update the details in line with the new format. (This form may also be used if you are the owner and need to update us with new information).
Any information given will be used solely for the betterment of the breed (BC & WSD). No personal information will be sold, shared or given to a third party nor will it be available to view on the website. You will be able to request that yours and your dog's information be updated, amended or deleted at any time. Your personal information will be stored securely to enable us to contact you in accordance with our GDPR POLICY
If you would rather complete your submission via email, please contact [email protected] and request a form to be sent to you.
By submitting this form to the BC & WSD Fitting Database, you confirm that you are the dog’s owner*, the information provided is factual and correct at the time of issue and agree for the details of your dog to be posted on a public website. *If you are NOT the owner but had originally submitted information to a previous database, please use the "Pre-Existing Data Form" to enable us to update the details in line with the new format. (This form may also be used if you are the owner and need to update us with new information).
Any information given will be used solely for the betterment of the breed (BC & WSD). No personal information will be sold, shared or given to a third party nor will it be available to view on the website. You will be able to request that yours and your dog's information be updated, amended or deleted at any time. Your personal information will be stored securely to enable us to contact you in accordance with our GDPR POLICY
If you would rather complete your submission via email, please contact [email protected] and request a form to be sent to you.
All fields below marked with an * must be completed before submitting the form.If details are not relevant to your submission please type N/A in the space provided. If your dog has previously been submitted to an alternative database and you have forgotten your details please get in touch, as we may be able to help.